The diagnosis and care of pancreatitis can be extremely challenging. Like so many rare diseases, there is currently no cure for pancreatitis. But we are not giving up.
Research into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of pancreatitis is under way in many medical centers throughout the world.
We have met and talked with hundreds of parents and caregivers from around the world and their experiences have left an indelible impression in our hearts and minds. Each story reminds us why we are here. We are here for You because We Care for You!
Caring for a child with a chronic illness is never easy. Caregivers often feel helpless and alone in their fight. FCP provides hope to parents and caregivers by connecting them with other families who understand what they are feeling, what they are going through and what it means to have a child with pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis is an under-researched area considering the impact it has on patients and their families. It is a serious and complex condition that causes immense suffering, effects the quality-of-life and mental health of those affected by pancreatitis.
1 in 10,000
The estimated number of children who get pancreatitis each year.
In the search for support and someone to talk with who understood her struggle, one mother found that by creating a safe support group for other parents she not only found the HOPE and strength she needed to care for her son, but was able to Give HOPE to other parents looking for the same. In 2013, Sheila Williamson and four other mothers set out to GiveHOPE to parents and find a way to bring awareness to their communities about Childhood Pancreatitis.